Nikon Coolpix A10 Review

The Nikon Coolpix A10 is Nikon’s least expensive section-level Coolpix camera and is available in 3-4 distinct colors of variety. With its 16.1-megapixel picture sensor, wide-point 5X optical long-range focal point, and a variety of keen elements; it will put the joy and delight of photography right at your figure tips. So let’s discuss the Nikon Coolpix A10 review.

Key Features:

  • 16-megapixel CCD sensor
  • 5x optical long-range focal point, 26-130mm same
  • Electronic picture adjustment for stills and video
  • 2.7inch 230k speck screen
  • ISO80 – ISO1600
  • 10cm macro
  • 720p video recording
  • AA batteries
  • Available in dark, red, silver, and purple (at specific outlets)


Nikon Coolpix A10 Design


The 5X optical zoom is identical to 26mm to 130mm in 35mm terms. The camera has a USB 2.0 (480 Mbit/sec) port to associate your camera with different gadgets. This outstanding camera is controlled by two AA battery-powered batteries, which give a shooting life of 200 shots as per CIPA principles and highlights a 2.7-inch LCD screen at the back. It can shoot 720p HD recordings and elements six inventive impact channels. The savvy picture mode improves the shots.

With regards to design, the Nikon Coolpix A10 is a super smaller, lightweight camera and is extremely simple to utilize. It is refreshingly ergonomic when contrasted with other slimmer cameras. It can without much of a stretch slip into your pocket because of its ultra-thin plan. The A10 has a plastic body and feels sensibly strong at the accessible cost range. The articulated finger hold doesn’t have an elastic covering, yet the camera is genuinely light and weighs just 160g with an outer element of 96x59x29mm and a thickness of 29mm which is a typical thickness for a camera of this size.

The finished thumb rest at the back gives an additional hold to the camera making it safer. From my insight, I would prescribe utilizing a wrist lash to try not to drop the camera. The menu option is extremely clear with a predetermined number of options and is not difficult to utilize. The 2.7-inch, 230k spot LCD screen is very low in resolution, which makes the menu icons and fine detail looks pixelated. The view can show up very grainy. Be that as it may, while taken outside, it is visible, even in brilliant daylight.

The presentation segment is where we check out the picture clearness and generally speaking photography quality execution of the camera. The 16-megapixel camera with a 3.5-inch (6.17×4.5 mm) measured CCD sensor can take shots at the greatest resolution of 4608×3456 pixels with viewpoint proportions of 4:3 and 16:9. It has a local ISO scope of 80-1600 and it doesn’t uphold RAW record. A10 can take shots ceaselessly at the maximum speed of 1.2 fps and has the greatest shutter speed of 1/2000 secs. The camera has some scene modes making it simple to utilize. But the people who need a smidgen more control can set the ISO and white equilibrium settings themselves.

There are six imaginative impacts, a little picture mode, and auto (program) mode where you can set the white equilibrium. The clamor execution is noticeable when the camera is utilizing ISO 80. The variety of proliferation and immersion is additionally great. While taking representation pictures with flash, red-eye was at times an issue.

Unfortunately, A10 has just been given a cut-down form that just mellows the skin and empowers the self-timer to snap a shot when the camera recognizes a grinning face. Whether it is a scene auto selector mode or plain auto mode, you can change the size and nature of your picture and apply up to +/ – 2EV of exposure compensation utilizing the backboard button that serves as the right directional control in playback mode. The left directional button initiates the self-timer.

The Nikon COOLPIX A10 is a great-looking camera with a showy silver front and dark back. It’s 3.5″ wide, 2.25″ tall, 0.75″ profound on the restricted side, and 1″ profound on the wide side. The right half of the camera, the one with all the controls, has an adjusted lump that develops from 0.75″ to 1″, impeccably intended to fit the hand (the camera would some way or another have been too tight to serenely even consider holding). There are a few controls on the highest point of the camera — the on/off button, the screen, and the zoom controls.

On the Converse, you’ll see a few buttons, including play, menu, and video. There’s likewise a piece of directional input that both explores the menu and permits you to control the flash, self-timer, uncover, and macro view. To get to the SD card, you need to open the battery chamber, and that implies you can’t change it out without switching off the camera. 

The Nikon COOLPIX A10 uses standard AA batteries, so you can use any old battery you purchase at the store. Whenever you turn the camera on the focal point cover opens, and the focal point stretches out from the camera to a limit of 2 inches. The camera weighs 5.7 ounces, the perfect load to feel strong yet not so weighty that it’s awkward to utilize.

Setup Process

Like most simple-to-use cameras, the setup is basic. We just embed the included AA batteries, put them in the SD card (excluded), and turned it on. The camera ran us through the standard setup (date, time, and so forth) and afterward, was all set.

Sorting out the controls was an alternate matter. There are plenty of buttons on the rear of the camera, the most muddled of which is the “scene” button. When you press it, a menu opens with a scene auto selector choice, a progression of scene options, specific tone, auto mode, and smart portrait. There are 15 unique scene modes including things like an oceanside, night scene, portrait, sports, and pet. We’ll discuss those somewhat more in the part beneath.

The menu button takes you to the stray pieces of the camera, yet entirely it’s not confounded. The photograph and video settings are straightforward and natural. You don’t have to take a gander at the other settings, except for date stamp and electronic vibration opposition (EVR). EVR is off, by default, so if you have temperamental hands, that is the spot to go.


Nikon Coolpix A10 Display

The clearest indication of outside cost-cutting is the 2.7-inch, 230k-dab LCD screen. Its resolution is the minimum you’ll find on a camera nowadays, and it makes menu symbols and fine detail look pixelated. The screen’s difference precision is much more dreadful, however, because of very limited viewing points that mean you’ll be taking a gander at the screen from the perfect point to pass judgment on exposure accurately. It’s especially risky in low light shooting, where shadows are shown as huge back regions and features effectively consume to white.

One more disappointing part of the Nikon Coolpix A10 is its speed or rather the absence of it. Where we’ve developed used cameras allowing you promptly to see a shot after capture, the A10 requires a disappointing 3-4 seconds of handling time. This is suggestive of a more profound issue with the camera, that’s what which is – regardless of the new model number – it’s quite a while old. 

The A10 is indistinguishable from 2015’s Coolpix L31, which itself was equivalent to the L29 that went before it. This should have been visible as Nikon playing messy, yet considering that cell phones have made customary smaller cameras a perishing breed, it’s a little miracle that Nikon isn’t putting boatloads of money into this segment of the camera market. It’s astonishing Nikon is even delivering budget cameras by any means, as certain fabricates have essentially quit making them.

Shooting Mode

Shooting Mode

It’s hence a little marvel that the Nikon Coolpix A10 doesn’t pack numerous tomfoolery or new highlights. Besides its HD 720p video recording capacity and six innovative impact channels (see the Image Quality part of this audit for tests), the main other focal point is Nikon’s Smart Portrait framework. Unfortunately, the A10 has just been given a cut-down form that will just mellow skin and empower the self-clock to snap a shot when the camera identifies a grinning face. 

There’s another stunt that the A10’s Smart Portrait framework can pull, and that is Blink Proof, which utilizations face location to caution you would be a good idea for someone somebody in the shot to be flickering. The A10 doesn’t pack Nikon’s Glamor Retouch face upgrade impacts which generally go with Smart Portrait.

The Smart Portrait framework is actuated by choosing it from the mode menu utilizing the Scene button on the panel. The mode menu likewise incorporates the default Scene auto selector shooting mode, alongside a standard Auto mode that allows you to assume command over white equilibrium and ISO awareness, as well as initiate consistent shooting. The camera’s imaginative impact channels can likewise be gotten to from the mode menu, as can fifteen client-selectable scenes presets. Tragically these don’t contain a compass scene mode, or even the Panorama Assist setting that Nikon incorporates with the Coolpix A100.

Whether you’re in the all-singing all-moving Scene auto selector mode or plain Auto mode, you’re ready to change the picture size and quality and apply up to +/ – 2EV of openness remuneration utilizing the backboard button that serves as the right directional control in playback mode. The left directional button actuates the self-clock, albeit just a 10-second postpone option is available, while the up button provides you with a decision of different glimmer modes, including a red-eye decrease option.

Notwithstanding the sluggish picture handling, the Nikon Coolpix A10 powers up and snaps a shot in a satisfactory 2.7 seconds. You’ll need to stand by basically a similar time again to see the shot, and if you’re shooting in low light, the A10’s self-adjust framework will require several seconds to track down its imprint. The camera typically demonstrates precise focusing regardless of anything the circumstances, but we experienced a frustrating number of shots that ended up being out of concentration.

Photo Quality

Nikon Coolpix A10  Photo Quality

Pictures shot with the Nikon Coolpix A10 look genuinely great from the outset because of lively variety propagation and precise openness metering. The maturing 16.1MP sensor doesn’t catch a lot of dynamic reaches, however, shadows tend to be excessively dull. Detail is all around settled while shooting close subjects, yet the sensor limits show up again while catching more far-off scenes like scenes, where fine detail is delicate and smoothed by picture handling.

In low light, the A10 creates generally dull shots with quieted shadow detail. There’s a lot of grain and variety spotting at ISO 800, and however noise isn’t an excessive amount or more awful at the greatest ISO 1600 responsiveness, pictures are discernibly gentler.

The 5x long-range focal point with its 26-130mm-identical central length is similarly unremarkable, with sharpness diminishing towards the edge of the framework. The chromatic deviation is apparent on high difference limits and can be very diverting while surveying at 100 percent picture size, while the focal point’s absence of picture adjustment makes it difficult to keep away from obscure camera shake while shooting inside while zoomed in. That is because the Nikon Coolpix A10 will not adequately increment ISO responsiveness in such circumstances, so you’ll have to do so physically to have sharp chances.


The Nikon Coolpix A10 has a plastic body, however, despite the spending plan sticker price feels sensibly strong and organized. The front of the camera is smooth, yet the utilization of AA batteries gives a sensible shape for grasp and there are raised spots on the rear of the camera for your thumb. We’d recommend utilizing the provided wrist tie to try not to drop the camera. The buttons and controls are conveniently spread out with clear names and the buttons aren’t excessively little, notwithstanding the camera being very smaller and the camera ought to be exceptionally simple to utilize in any event, for amateurs or kids.

Somewhere else, the Nikon Coolpix A10 is extremely simple to utilize and refreshingly ergonomic when contrasted with slimmer cameras, and particularly slender cell phones. The articulated finger grasp doesn’t have an elastic covering, but the camera’s genuinely light 160g prepared-to-shoot weight implies it never feels inclined to slip from your hand. A finished thumb lay on the back, alongside the raised video record button close by it, assisting the camera with having a good sense of safety. If the A10 would endure a drop is another matter, as while everything plastic packaging doesn’t flex or squeak, it does feel modest.

With a predetermined number of choices, the menus are clear and simple to utilize. The screen is a very low resolution, and the view can show up very grainy now and again, yet shockingly is very perceptible outside, even in brilliant daylight. Seeing points left and right are very great but isn’t awesome if you need to hold the camera over your head.

Battery Duration

The principal thing that strikes you about the Nikon Coolpix A10 is its power source. Whereby for most compact cameras are fuelled by battery-powered Li-particle power packs, the A10 utilizes a couple of regular AA cells. Nikon’s Coolpix L840 is something very similar in this regard, and it’s a decent way for Nikon to minimize expenses. It’s additionally helpful when you’re away from the mains and runs out of force, and assuming that you refuel the A10 with lithium batteries, Nikon claims it’ll snap an exceptionally noteworthy 700 shots, albeit standard alkalines are appraised for an additional each day 200 shots. 

For consistent utilization, it’d appear to be legit to put resources into some battery-powered NiMH batteries to try not to discard cash on single-use cells. Nikon recons NiMH rechargeable will deal with a sound 500 shots for each charge, but their additional expense makes the A10’s low cost somewhat less appealing. One more issue with the AA battery power source is that the batteries and SD card share a similar compartment, so when you go to change cards, the batteries can undoubtedly drop out if you don’t watch out.

Battery duration is evaluated at 200 shots as per Nikon/CIPA test results while utilizing soluble batteries, and this can be expanded to 500 shots utilizing battery-powered batteries (EN-MH2), or a great 730 shots while utilizing lithium batteries. This would make it an incredible camera to go on lengthy outings where you would rather not convey additional batteries.

Camera Performance 

Noise is very apparent when the camera is utilizing ISO80, and blue skies can show observable clamor. Chromatic variations are additionally an issue, especially towards the edges of the casing. Pictures are delicate in the corners, especially while taking shots at the wide-point end of the focal point. Variety multiplication and immersion are great, with splendid punchy colors that ought to look great when shared via virtual entertainment sites like Facebook. 

While taking representation photographs with flash, red-eye was sporadically an issue. Macro performance is sensibly great, although when we attempted to zoom in to draw nearer the camera battled to concentration, and the best outcomes were accomplished while shooting with the focal point left zoomed out. The exposure is solid and the camera functions admirably as a point-and-shoot.

ISO Noise Performance 

Detail begins to drop off at ISO200 or more and to obtain the best outcomes from this camera you are best adhering to the lower ISO settings. If you empowered electronic vibration decrease (VR) the camera will frequently utilize higher ISO settings, which brings about not so much detail but rather more noise. This may not be an over-the-top concern if you won’t see pictures at 100 percent.

White Balance Performance 

Auto White Balance (AWB) performs well under tungsten lighting, and fluorescent lighting, as well as under blended lighting. There are tungsten and fluorescent presets, as well as custom white equilibrium however, you will obtain great outcomes by basically leaving the camera on auto-white equilibrium.

Pros of Nikon Coolpix A10:

  • Creative effects
  • Easy to use
  • Compact body
  • Good color and exposure
  • Beautiful screen
  • Face-Detection Focusing
  • Good Wide Angle Coverage

Cons of Nikon Coolpix A10:

  • No Built-in Viewfinder
  • No Image Stabilization


When did the Nikon Coolpix A10 come out?

Nikon Coolpix A10 has come out in January 2016.

How do I charge my Nikon Coolpix A10?

The camera’s clock is controlled by an inherent backup battery. The backup battery is charged when the primary batteries are embedded into the camera.

Which is the best camera under 5000?

You can get a variety of cameras under 5000. For instance, Panasonic Lumix DC-S1R, Sony A7R III, Nikon Z7II, Nikon D810, Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX1R II, Pentax K-1, Canon EOS R5, Leica SL2-S, etc.

Is Canon or Nikon better for beginners?

Nikon is better for beginners. Its settings and phrasing are easier. Nikon offers better fledgling cameras at a lower cost.

Which is the No 1 camera in the world?

Hasselblad X1D-50c. Most customers are purchasing either full-outline or APS-C cameras. The most noteworthy scoring full-frames are on the whole tied at 100, including the Panasonic Lumix DC-S1R 47.3MP, the Sony A7R III 42.4MP, and the Nikon D850 45.7MP, and the Nikon Z7II 45.75MP.

Final Words on Nikon Coolpix A10 Review

If you consider that the Nikon Coolpix A10 is a spending plan smaller camera valued at around £50-60 that takes AA batteries, the A10 is a sensible entertainer, with splendid beautiful photographs, and various innovative impacts that can be applied while shooting or in playback. 

The screen on the back is sensible and the camera is not difficult to utilize, and for sharing photographs via online entertainment sites, for example, Facebook, the outcomes ought to be sufficient. If you need broadened battery duration, the utilization of Lithium batteries can offer a great number of chances.

If you need further developed controls or great video recording and have a reliance on sharing everything through your cell phone, then the Nikon Coolpix A10 will not be for you. However, for a simple to utilize a camera that you can without much of a stretch take with you because of the compact size, then, at that point, the Nikon Coolpix A10 does the work. As the cost of the camera drops further, this could immediately turn into a major vendor for Nikon.

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