Zenith Clipping

Zenith Clipping

Photoshop Shadow Creation Service

Zenith Clipping is a leading shadow creation services provider for photographers, magazines, advertising agencies & online stores.

Price Starts from $0.10

Unlimited Revisions without Extra Cost

Upto 5000 images per day

Upto 30% Discount on Bulk Orders

What is Shadow Creation Service?

Photoshop Shadow Creation Service is a popular image editing technique used to add a shadow to an object in an image in order to create a more realistic picture of the product. If you observe carefully, every object in the real world casts a shadow around itself in proper lighting conditions. However, when you click a picture of an object, the shadow may or may not be captured perfectly.
If the shadow of an object is not captured perfectly or not captured at all in an image, it can have an unnatural look. Photo editing companies offer the shadow creation service to solve this problem. Image editing service providers replace unwanted shadows with perfect shadows and also add shadows when there isn’t one present in the image.
Expert image editors can edit a dull product image and turn it into a very attractive picture just by using the shadow making service. Simply adding a shadow will not make the picture look great. You have to add the appropriate effect as well and pay attention to detail.
Adobe Photoshop is the most popular image editing tool used by professional image editors to create the photoshop shadow effect.

Types of shadow creation

Depending on the requirements of the client, image editors may add different types of shadows to the image. These are listed below:

1. Natural Shadow Creation

Just as the term suggests, natural shadow creation service is done to make the picture look as natural as possible. Generally, when you take a picture of an object, the picture may already have a shadow present in it. However, if the background lighting is bad or the surface where the shadow is cast is not reflective enough, the shadow will look dull or unnatural. By replacing the unwanted shadow or adding an original shadow in the appropriate level of brightness, the product will look like a realistic 3D image.

2. Drop Shadow Creation

This is a popular shadow creation service mostly used in eCommerce for the marketing of products. Drop shadow creation is done to add shadows directly below or behind the products in an image. Drop shadows can be created using Photoshop filters. Even the opacity of the shadows and the angle or direction in which the shadows are cast are controlled to give the picture a fresh look.
The floating image of the product with a drop shadow looks professional and more appealing to customers.

3. Image reflection shadow or Mirror effect

Image reflection shadow creation service is provided to make the shadow of the object appear as if it has been cast on a reflective background such as a mirror or a glass. Due to the reflective nature of the shadow, the image reflections shadow effect is also known as the mirror effect. The reflective shadow of the object makes it look more dramatic and gorgeous. This shadow effect is typically applied to products such as jewelry, showpieces, plastic bottles, sunglasses, ceramic products, medical products, and electronic equipment like TV, smartphones, oven, etc.

4. Retain Original Shadow

Sometimes, the shadow of an object may not appear impressive in the original image due to poor lighting conditions, dim background, improper image capturing technique, etc. The retain original shadow service is provided to recreate the original shadow as best as possible and make it look more attractive.

Benefits of Shadow Effect

There are several benefits where shadow creation service plays a very important role. Some of them are listed below:

1. Better quality image - A bad quality shadow of a product can make the image look dull and uninteresting. Replacing it with a good quality shadow can improve the overall image quality.
2. More natural or realistic image - Without any shadow or a faded shadow, the picture will not look realistic. As a result, it will not grab the attention of the viewers. Adding the shadow effect will make the image look more natural or realistic.
3. Prevents distraction - The background of a product image can be quite distracting and divert the attention of the viewers from the product. To add a shadow to a product image, it is necessary to remove the background and replace it with a soothing white background. Thus, adding shadow removes the distracting elements from the image.
4. Focus attention - The best image editing companies can create detailed shadows at the correct angle from the product and maintain a good intensity level of brightness. The combination of their expertise and techniques can make these shadows extremely eye-catching and grab the focus of the audience.
5. More appealing - In order to sell products online, the picture of the product must be appealing enough to convert viewers into customers. Shadow creation services provided by expert image editors can make product pictures look more appealing to your target audience.

How to Create a Shadow?

Photoshop is a versatile image editing tool the allows image editors to fully control the shadow creation process. Thus, Photoshop helps photo editing professionals to produce the desired shadow effect as they see fit.

The shadow effect is created in Photoshop by applying and duplicating layers, and then using the ‘Drop Shadow’ tool to make all the necessary adjustments to the shadow.

There are many photo editing companies in Bangladesh which offer shadow creation service. However, you should only hire the photo editing services offered by the best image editing service providers if you want the best results.

Zenith Clipping is a popular photo editing company in Dhaka, Bangladesh, that also provides the shadow creation service.

Who needs Drop Shadow Service?

  • E-commerce Businesses need this service to attract and engage consumers.  
  • Photographers use Drop Shadows to give their images a dynamic look. 
  • Graphic Designers need this service to add depth and emphasis to various design elements.
  • Advertisement agencies use drop shadows to increase the visual impact of their ads.
  • Fashion brands use drop shadows to highlight clothing and accessories.
  • Drop shadows are used in print media to improve images and graphics and draw readers in.
  • Drop shadows are necessary for real estate companies to enhance the inviting and polished appearance of properties in their photos.
  • Also, product manufacturers and marketing professionals use the Drop Shadow Service for various needs. 

Our image editing services

Zenith Clipping is a hand drawn clipping path service provider in Bangladesh. We offer the best quality clipping paths. We are a well-reputed top-ranked image editing company serving since 2010. Our Clipping path services help companies showcase their products more effectively. We provide a wide range of image editing services.

Clipping Path

Image Masking

Color Correction

Photoshop Clipping Path Service is provided using the photoshop pen tool to cut out an object or removes the background. Zenith Clipping ensures that images look good which will attract customers and increase sales.
Sometimes we need to edit complicated images that can not be edited by Clipping Path. Here comes the Image Masking Service. Zenith Clipping ensures that every image gets edited perfectly via photoshop masking.
Color Correction service is the process of changing the color of an image. Sometimes we need to change color or create variation with different color for the same object. Zenith Clipping offers this service to its client.

Shadow Creation

Ghost Mannequin

Image Retouching

Shadow Creation Service is very important to reveal the natural beauty of an image when a product is required to appear online. It presents the product with a sensible and very realistic look.
Ghost Mannequin Effect allows removing the mannequin and background to give a hollow look. It helps to display only images of your garments without the dummy. We help clients adding ghost mannequin effect.
Zenith Clipping offers Image Retouching Service which is a one kind of image manipulation process to make an image eye-catchy and more attractive. It makes the image look more refined, cleaner, and shiny.

If you are looking for a shadow creation service provider, then Zenith Clipping is the best for you!