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Jewellery Photography Tips in 2024

Jewelry product photography is the most sophisticated and detail-oriented niche. If a single Jewelry photography factor is neglected, it can create or break your Jewelry brand. So, there is an utmost need for Jewelry photography tips that will help newbies and even professional photographers to click explicit and specified photographs. Jewelry photography lighting is one such trick that can change the jewelry look. Besides this, you will also be familiar with a lot of hints and techniques. 

In this guide, I’m going to share a few most enumerated jewellery photography tips and tricks that will change your jewelry branding game. This is the only way to grab the attention of shoppers about your jewelry store and make them leave after buying a stunning piece.

So…let’s click it professionally and play with a basic color cast!

List of Top Jewelry Photography Tips:

Here are the jewelry photography ideas that every photographer needs to follow:

1. Preparation of jewelry photography equipment:

First of all, you need all jewelry photography color tools according to your budget. If you are on a tight budget, you can start with the basic things that I have mentioned below. But if you have more to spend, you can invest in higher-end gear like lighting or display tools to showcase your jewelry original color card.

  • Camera

jewellery Camera

I always recommend that there is no need to splurge on a fancy camera to showcase your jewelry color profile! Your trusty iPhone or Android can do the jewelry product photography if you are just starting. I think it’s a great way to get started – just grab your smartphone and snap.

And that would be even better if you have a DSLR with a quality lens as it will help you to edit videos for further purposes and export videos too. Further, it refines and adjusts the Color Dialog Box to perfectly match your brand’s color palette/color panel. According to my opinion, the useful jewelry photography tip is – to use what you have and click the most of it with the help of selective color adjustments.

  • Tripod

Freehand photography is often messy, especially when it comes to rich graphics and lighting. The camera shake is the problem when you are holding the device with your hand despite how beautifully you set up your lighting. So, invest in a tripod or stabilizer to keep your camera steady and your photos’ current background color sharp.

Furthermore, tripods are the secret weapon of pro photographers to click gorgeous images. These are affordable and perfect for capturing high-quality and consistent images. Interestingly, tripods give you the freedom to experiment with optimal aperture, color adjustment, and ISO color mix settings by keeping your camera steady.

As a result, you get photos that truly pop according to your color requirements. Plus, you can easily replicate your setup color scheme and achieve continuity even when shooting on different days after marking a spot on the floor for your tripod. It is similar to having a personal photography assistant – minus the attitude to click images with Color Balance.

  • Lighting Source
Product Photography Studio Room

Product photography jewelry is nothing without a proper jewelry photography lighting source, especially white and blue color lights. According to my experience and professional photographers, a room wall with big or wider windows is the best source of lighting.

You have another options bar if you don’t have windows – artificial lighting sources. There are many online stores and artificial light sources available where you can buy lights and lighting kits.

You can start simple, master the basics, and then get creative. Once you are comfortable with your camera, you can experiment with advanced lighting techniques like LED lights and reflectors.

  • Table

It’s time to get table-ready for the basic elements. Hence, a standard folding table is your best bet to set up dynamic elements/products. And I’m talking about the width of 24-27 inches.

This dimension is the sweet spot for showcasing your jewelry. You can think of it as a place for a mini catwalk of your sparkling jewelry.

  • White Background Color
jewelry photography

White background is one of the creative jewelry photography ideas that should be kept on the list. There are many ways to create a white background and cyan tone if you need a clean backdrop for your jewelry photography. Investing in a white paper sweep is not a waste of money.

Moreover, paper sweeps are like giant rolls of paper that help you create a seamless white or colored background for your jewelry photography. If these aspects of design setup get dirty, you can simply cut off the messy bit and roll out a fresh section.

It is like having a never-ending supply of clean backdrops and you have the option of color replacement too if you don’t like white background color bar. If paper sweeps aren’t your thing, poster boards are a great alternative available in various color modes and color ranges.

  • Foam Boards
photography foam board

When snapping pics of your product photography jewelry, you will notice a shadowy side opposite the spot where your light shines directly. This area can be too dark or have any other complete color/dark color, but there is a fix.

You can place a white foam board on the shadowy side to reflect some light dozen colors onto it. In this way, you will brighten up that dark area, create a more balanced look, and attack potential customers.

🌟🌟🌟Fun Fact:

The Art History Brush, a unique Black Brush option, offers variable Brush Flow and can be customized in the Brush Panel using Brush Presets. It allows artists to achieve distinctive textures, color features, and effects in their digital artwork.

  • Clamps or Tape
Photography Clamps or Tape

You need something to keep your foam boards and sweeps in place for correct color customization and color corrections. Some trusty clamps or tape on hand can do this job easily. These things will help secure your backdrops and reflectors and allow you to make precise adjustments in the Adjustments Panel to fine-tune your lighting setup.

They will ensure they stay put while you click away various aspects of design and color differences. Now, there is no more worrying about things shifting around mid-shoot. Just set up, clamp, or tape, and you are good to go.

That’s all for color channels.

2. How to Photograph Your Jewelry Tips:

Jewelry retouch tips

Now, it is time to see what the jewelry photography tips are after deciding and buying all of the above-mentioned equipment. Now, follow the given jewelry photography ideas and your product jewelry photography will be ready to get uploaded on official sites and platforms with base color.

So…here we go.

  • Perfectly set up your table

Identify the ideal space for your photo studio. If you are situated near a window, position your table at a 90-degree angle. You can place it to the left or right of it to accurately click product colors and details. Commercial printing involves various colors for printing to gain customer trust.

Moreover, the proximity to the window will directly impact the light’s softness as the closer placement will yield a more subtle illumination. It also affects a range of colors. So, be careful with this specific color effects setting.

🌟🌟🌟Pro Tip: To enhance brightness and contrast, you can move to the post-processing stage and apply a Curves Adjustment Layer to various color formats. You can precisely control the adjustments by adding a Layer Mask with Creative Cloud. Simply select the Curves Adjustment Layer and go to the Dropdown Menu Bar to apply a Layer Mask and start fine-tuning your product jewelry photography.

With your table in position, it is time to set up your sweep. The objective is to position the sweep vertically, and there are various ways to achieve contiguous color. For example, you can simply tape the sweep in place if you are adjacent to a wall. Alternatively, you will need to create a supporting structure or surface to secure the rear of your sweep if you are not near a wall.

Now, position your tripod in front of your table setup and ensure optimal camera placement to get image color accuracy. You can place it directly on the sweep if you are using a smartphone with a compact tripod. I’m sure you will have ample space to accommodate your jewelry with the help of a sufficiently large table. It will allow for a comfortable and clutter-free jewelry photography experience.

  • Positioning your jewelry photography lighting

Your window provides the necessary jewelry photography lighting if you are utilizing natural light sources. However, your setup will require some adjustments with artificial lighting. For example, position a single light source and softbox or umbrella at a 45-degree angle to the product. This setup will ensure a soft and even glow and color prints.

jewelry photography lighting

Then, place your camera directly in front of the jewelry item/piece. Moreover, you are free to reposition the product closer to you to minimize shadows and achieve a clean white background (if necessary). Just repeat this process as needed to optimize your lighting setup.

  • Elegantly styling your jewelry

A white background provides a clean and neutral foundation when starting jewelry photography. As you gain experience, you can experiment with new elements to beautifully increment your staging and jewelry photography.

You can also consider showcasing your jewelry on props or against alternative backgrounds to add visual interest to your photos. Let’s suppose a sleek marble slab, subtle textured backgrounds, ring holders, or stands are the perfect alternatives.

Or, it’s your choice to start grouping pieces for a cohesive look. These jewelry photography tips will help you develop a unique style and elevate your jewelry photography skills.

Additionally, incorporating models into your photography can effectively demonstrate how your jewelry looks when worn. Aether, a prominent diamond jewelry brand, successfully employs a combination of clean white backgrounds (background color) and model showcases to highlight its pieces in a relatable and visually appealing way.

  • Preparing your jewelry for photography

In this jewelry photography tip, prepare your jewelry for its close-up by ensuring it is thoroughly clean and polished. Remember, a DSLR camera and proper lighting setup will capture even the smallest details. They will be magnified several times in the final select image and in various color channels.

This means that tiny imperfections invisible to the naked eye will be revealed in the jewelry photographs. So, place your jewelry in the center of the sweep’s flat area once they are polished.

Also, leave enough space to insert a white reflector card later in a target image. Remember to wipe down your jewelry every time you handle it. You can also consider wearing cotton gloves to save time and avoid reshoots.

  • Set up your camera

Let’s configure your camera settings to prioritize clarity and detail. For this purpose, you need to avoid using low aperture settings that create artistic blur. They can obscure crucial product features.

Instead, opt for high aperture settings (f/11 or higher) and a low ISO (ideally 100) to produce sharp and comprehensive images along with color balance that inspire potential customer trust.

Jewellery Photography

Also, make sure accurate color representation by setting your white balance manually. Professional jewelry photography tips providers suggest using automatic mode with a thorough review of the results. This attention to detail will showcase your jewellery in the best possible light.

🌟🌟🌟Premium Tip:

You can use the Saturation Tool (accessed via the Saturation Icon) to precisely desaturate or saturate specific areas of your editing image and combine it with Accurate Masks to create nuanced color adjustments.

  • Take the jewelry photos

It’s time to capture the perfect jewelry photography (or product color) shots by positioning your beloved camera on its tripod at a slight angle. The lens must be pointing downward towards the product. Now, place your lights (equipped with diffusing umbrellas) above the product color on either side.

jewelry photography

You can set their angle downward to create soft and even jewelry photography lighting. Also, set both lights to the same power level to ensure a uniform fill and avoid harsh hotspots. It will result in a beautifully lit product image that showcases your product in its best light.

  • Retouch and finalize the jewelry photography

Once you have captured your product auto color images, refine them for your online store. Actually, post-production processing is crucial to make those jewelry photographs more visually appealing and enhance your photos’ professionalism.

So, consider hiring a skilled editor to retouch your images to save time and resources. Alternatively, if you prefer to handle editing yourself, explore free online photo editors and invest time in learning the fundamentals of photo editing. This will enable you to refine your gorgeous images to the highest standards.


How do I photograph jewelry effectively?

You can use a mirrorless or DSLR camera with a tripod to prevent camera shake and even give jewelry photography lighting. Then, set the correct aperture, focus on your product, and snap the photo. This will help you capture high-quality images that showcase your jewelry in the best possible light.

What is the perfect lighting for jewelry photography ideas?

The optimal lighting for jewelry photography is soft and gentle. So, position your setup near a window to harness natural light or diffuse artificial light to achieve exceptional image quality. However, avoid using an on-camera flash because its intense brightness can create unflattering reflections, harsh shadows, and accurate colors.

How often should I update my jewelry product photography to keep the brand looking fresh and current?

It is recommended to update your jewelry product photography every 6-12 months. This can include updating your product images with new styles, collections, target colors, or seasonal promotions.

Conclusion on Jewelry Photography Tips

All of the big names in the business of online jewelry have shared a common trait: stunning product jewelry photography. By following this tutorial, you will be able to create captivating jewelry images that will drive sales and make your brand identity.

Also, feel free to experiment with new elements and creative approaches to elevate your visual content to polish your jewelry photography skills. You can also invest in premium photography replacement color tools like Adobe Photoshop (and use its saturation adjustable layer to create different hues).

This tool will help you showcase your jewelry in the best possible jewelry photography lighting. Selective Color Adjustments is also possible with its Adobe Color Picker feature. You will soon experience the benefits of clean and professional photography as it will further solidify your brand’s success.

Get Free Trial!

Try our free trial with two complimentary edits of your images. Zenith Clipping allows you to check if they meet your demands.

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