X-ray effect in Photoshop

X-ray effect in Photoshop

Image editing is going out of the world using Photoshop! You’d never believe it until you heard about the X-ray effect in Photoshop.

Thanks to this technique, photo editors can look past the background! Photoshop X-ray clothes ease the process of looking behind the body structure, objects, or fashion—like a body scanner!

As a beginner graphic designer, you may find this tricky photo technique difficult! That’s why I’m here to help you with a step-by-step guide on how to make desired see through clothes effect in Photoshop.

Let’s enjoy the image-transparent game and find the transparency in clothes!

What is an X-Ray photo in Photoshop?

How to See-Through Clothes in Photoshop

The X-ray effect is an image editing technique that allows you to see through clothes or any other preferred object. It may be better described as investigating what’s behind an actual image. Also, it may be the model’s outfits, like clothes or garments. Photoshop clothes X-rays are done with transparent images.

The RGB, color contrast, and brightness adjustments are the next steps in the transparent process. More importantly, the purpose of the X-ray effect in Photoshop is to make your photographs stand out from the crowd. It is useful for comical or artistic purposes to bring up the core message of the photo.

Furthermore, the X-ray effect in Photoshop can be achieved through various methods. But, the outcome is always the same – a fascinating see-through effect. Essentially, a layer of the human body or product image, such as clothing, is carefully faded away and removed to reveal what’s hidden beneath.

However, this technique isn’t foolproof and may not work on every photograph. Interestingly, images taken with a flash can give you the best results.

Did you know there are many thin layers in photos? They are mostly;

  • Curtains
  • Drapes
  • Tablecloths
  • Clothing
  • Clouds
  • Smoke
  • Fog

To achieve the see-through effect, the original pixels of the top layer need to be subtly faded away. It allows the underlying image and invisible pixels to peek through. Actually, high-quality pixel separation is the technique that is used here.

Additionally, the area you want to reveal must be partially visible at the original pixel level. It creates a sense of depth and dimensionality.

Finally, carefully remove excessive pixels to reveal the hidden image and a stunning and transparent effect.

How to See-Through Clothes in Photoshop?

You can learn about X-ray effects in Photoshop to reveal the actual body structure and identify objects or clothing fashions. 

Well, there are a few basic steps to follow when using the Photoshop clothes X-ray technique. Some Photoshop tools are mainly part of the magic in this game. 

As a beginner, choose the easiest clothing option first—like a white shirt! Then, do the artistic play as mentioned in the step-by-step guidelines below.

Learn more about how to take X-ray photos.

How to create see-through clothes in Photoshop: A step-by-step guide

Let’s follow in these footsteps to get the desired results. However, it is good to play with a basic image as a part of practicing the see-through clothes technique. After learning and familiarizing, you can do it with more complex images.

Step 1: Selecting an image

To get started with the see-through clothing effect in Photoshop, find an image of a model wearing light-colored or even translucent type clothing. This will make the editing process smoother and easier for beginners.

But, what if you have a darker clothing image in mind? I know many of the readers have darker clothing images in their minds for a human body. You don’t need to be disheartened because you can still create the see-through effect.

However, it may be more difficult. So, I recommend you start with lighter clothes to master the technique. Then, you will be ready to challenge yourself with darker ones using blending modes.

I selected the following light-colored clothing photograph for this tutorial.

Step 2: Open the image in Photoshop

First, you need to select a light-coloured clothing-wearing model to show clothes layer. This will facilitate the X-ray effect in Photoshop.

Then, open your Photoshop app. Use the file option to drag the image, or press “Click+O” on the keyboard to open Photoshop and see the image right away.

Step 3: Select the clothing that you want to transform

Make some adjustments on the screen to select the clothing. 

After that, select the ‘Quick Selection Tool’ from the left sidebar and drag it over the clothing. (You can do this step with the help of many other tools, like lasso tool, wand tool, etc.)

Before selecting cloth, adjust the tool size to 14 pixels. Now, select the (+) option from the Options panel bar. With the pen tool, select the whole clothing from the image.

Select (-) options to remove the unnecessary parts and reveal the hidden pixels.

Note: When choosing clothing in areas with small objects, change the size of the pixels by 4–9. For example, a model’s hair is zoomed out of the parts of the image to select the clothes perfectly. Also, don’t choose wrinkled fabrics.

Step 4: Create a new layer

At this stage, return to the lower sidebar options on the right and select ‘Create a new background layer.’ You can also use the Ctrl+J keyboard shortcut to add a new layer to reveal solid pixels.

Step 5: Make the clothing transparent

Click the ‘Adjustment button’ in the lower section bar at this stage to perform image manipulation technique. Select ‘Level’ and then go to the upper-side layer button.

Click ‘New adjustment layer’ here and select ‘levels.’

Again, go to the lower sidebar option ‘level’ from the adjustment button. Then, select level 1 and drag the mouse button lower.

Set the RGB to the highest point for color balance. Now, go to the brightness/contrast adjustment button. Set brightness to 0 and contrast to (-30).

Step 6: Finalize & Save Your Image

After modifying the clothing layer, don’t forget to refine the overall suitable image. Make final adjustments to brightness, contrast, or other aspects to get a cohesive, balanced, and visually appealing result.

After finalizing and optimizing the image, now come to the final stage. Click ‘File’ and select the ‘Save as’ option from the menu bar. The final and finished image will now be saved on your computer or device.

Now, let’s capture images and perform fantastic image manipulation technique.

Why Use X-Ray Photoshop Online?

This is a fun technique to use an X-ray effect in Photoshop for many Photoshop X-ray effect clothes. Moreover, it is used for a number of other things. For example, it is perfect for:

  • Professionals and artists who want to push the boundaries of Photoshop. So, this technique helps create mesmerizing and one-of-a-kind effects that will leave viewers amazed.
  • Create a “Magic Eye” effect that brings out subtle details and hidden elements in your photos. This technique is ideal for uncovering aspects of an image that were previously invisible to the naked eye.
  • Use this technique to enhance specific areas of a photo. It allows you to see more accurately and gain a deeper understanding of the image. It’s perfect for photographers, researchers, or anyone who wants to explore the details of a picture.
  • Master the art of digitally removing or replacing clothing to give your models a fresh new look. This technique helps you to experiment with different styles and outfits without the need for physical changes.
  • Learning this technique is a great way to prepare for your Photoshop expert exam, specifically for the X-ray vision effect section. By mastering this skill, you will be able to demonstrate your proficiency in creating see-through clothes effects that will impress examiners and clients alike.

What do you think are the other reasons X-ray effect technique and X-ray Photoshop tools are gaining reputation? Share your views!

(FAQs): Photoshop clothes xray

1. How do you make clothes transparent in Photoshop?

You can make clothes transparent in Photoshop by following the basic steps listed below:

  • Tap “Click+O” on the keyboard to get the selected image in Photoshop instantly.
  • Select the ‘Quick Selection Tool and drag it over the clothing.
  • Press the Ctrl+J button shortcut to create a new layer. 
  • Click on the ‘Adjustment button’ in the lower section bar. Select ‘Level’ and then go to the upper-side layer button. 
  • Make the clothing transparent with the RGB at the highest point. 

  • Go to the brightness/contrast adjustment button. Set brightness at 0 and contrast at (-30).

  • After getting the transparent look, you can save the file in jpg or jpeg form.

2. Can Photoshop AI remove clothes?

No, a Photoshop AI can replace or edit clothes. It can’t remove clothes from an image. You can wear transparent clothes with Photoshop clothes and an x-ray effect.   

This image editing technique allows you to see behind the clothes. You need to make some brightness or contrast adjustments here. 

3. How to X-ray clothes in Photoshop?

First, select light-colored clothes. Use a ‘Quick Selection Tool’ to drag the whole clothing. Next, create a new layer. Now, go to the adjustments layer button. In this stage, adjust RBC at the highest level. Then, set brightness at 0% and color contrast at 100%.

4. Can I create see-through clothes on my iPhone without Photoshop?

Absolutely Yes! There are many apps available for download on your iPhone. They are pretty easy to use and they can help you achieve the X-ray effect. Interestingly, you don’t need any Photoshop editing skills to create see-through clothes! Just head to the Apple App Store and explore your options.

5. Is there a filter in Photoshop to make clothes see-through?

Yes, Photoshop offers an X-ray effect that allows you to make clothes transparent. It reveals the background or the body beneath. This technique creates a translucent illusion and effectively makes clothing see-through in your images.

6. Can I use the X-ray effect in Photoshop for commercial purposes?

Yes, you can use the X-ray effect in Photoshop for commercial purposes. However, make sure you have the necessary permissions and rights to use the images.

7. How can I avoid over-editing when using the X-ray effect in Photoshop?

To avoid over-editing, start with subtle adjustments and gradually increase the intensity of the effect. Also, compare your edited image with the original to see if it still looks natural.

8. Can we use the X-ray effect in Photoshop on non-clothing items, like objects or textures?

Yes, you can use the X-ray effect on non-clothing items to create unique and creative effects. Plus, you can experiment with different objects and textures to achieve interesting results.

Final Words

Photoshop offers the latest tools and techniques these days. The X-ray effect in Photoshop is a technical way to edit images. If you master the X-ray effect in Photoshop, it will open doors to creative photo editing steps. So…the step-by-step guide given above will help you understand the basics.

To learn more about Photoshop tutorials, you require more focus and practice. However, you need to remember that lighter clothes are easier for this technique. With a little patience, you will be creating captivating “see-through” effects in no time.

Now, I hope you’ve mastered the right and easy way to see through clothes smoothly using Photoshop. Do you need help to continue the process? Leave a comment, and I’ll help you.  

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